OSBiz SDHC 32GB w/o SW
OSBiz SDHC 32GB w/o SW
32 GB SDHC card without software for Unify V2Mainboards (OCCL, OCCM, OCCMR and OCCS=OSBizX1W) only. V3 Mainboards require a different M.2 SATA SSD card.
The SDHC Health Status will change the card status from green to yellow earliest after 8 years.
These SDHC cards contain default NO system software! To use these in OpenScape Business you must either clone an existing system (possible from V2R5.1 onwards on all V2mainboards but not on X1W) or use the Cardmanager to write one from scratch.
Due to timing-issues the minimum softwareversion for these cards to work is V3R1.1.0_303. So no support for V2 software!
As a service we can supply them with a specific software, please make a remark on your order stating the requested version.
To be able to do this the requested software must be available on our own server or for download on the Unify Server.